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Organic Lavandula angustifolia
For People: Cooling, soothing, relaxing, toning, hydrating.  Great for all skin types, especially delicate or aging skin. Soothes irritated or itchy skin. Excellent for burns, sunburns, insect bites, and scrapes. Helps reduce mental fog. Emotionally calming and balancing. Will leave your skin feeling like silk.  Lavender hydrosol is safe and gentle enough to use on children.  You can add some to their bath, mist their pillow for a "monsters be gone" mist.  

Directions for People: Hold bottle a couple of inches from face, close your eyes, and mist.  You can mist after cleansing your face as well as after putting your makeup on as it will set your makeup. You can mist body, pillow, and room-just about anything!  Lavender hydrosol will take the sting and itch out of insect bites. Another great way to use Lavender hydrosol is to mist cotton balls and place on tired, swollen eyelids (you must close your eyes)! To assist with relaxation before bed, mist your hands, cup them over your nose, and inhale deeply. 
For Pets: Emotionally calming in stressful times like vet visits, groomers or thunderstomrs. Assists with separation anxiety-mist pet's bedding or an old shirt of yours to keep near your pet when you must leave. Lavender works wonders on your pet's itchy skin, cleans dirty ears, and deodorizes. Every home should have a bottle of Lavender hydrosol!

Directions for Pets:  Mist your hand and hold it our to your pet.  Allow him or her to come to you and smell your hand.  It is ok if your pet licks your hand, no chemicals here! You may mist your hands and massage into your pet's fur for itchy skin.  You can mist pet directly if they don't mind the sound of the mister. To clean ears: mist a cotton ball and wipe the ear.  When your pet gets used to the mister, you may just mist once in each ear.  Do NOT wipe out the hydrosol so it can do its job.

When using for anxiety in your pet, I strongly recommend carving some time each day to work with him or her.  Mist your hands and allow him or her to smell.  Gently massage hydrosol into chest, top of head, and shoulders. When you take the time to create this calming space, you can bring back that calm state of being for your dog for the next thunderstorm or vet visit as well as assist him or her when you have to leave for work.  Every home should have a bottle of Lavender hydrosol, for people and pets.  Lavender works wonders for taking the itch and sting out of insect bites whether for you, your child, or dog and even the cat!

 Please don't force any aromatics on your pet... trust that they know what they need.

 NEVER put essential oils or hydrosols on your pet's snout.

Animal Aromatics hydrosols do NOT have any preservatives so they MUST BE REFRIGERATED. 

Ingredients: Distilled water, organic Lavandula angustifolia


Organic Lavender hydrosol

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